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Aug 17, 20236 min read
The joy of eating cross-legged...
On our trip to Himachal last year, my wife and I had a surreal experience that imprinted itself on my mind for a long time. No, we did...
Aug 16, 20234 min read
A bun is not a pav
Eight years ago, when I first moved to Bengaluru to be an analyst, I had no clue that I'd end up analyzing buns passed off by street food...
Aug 15, 20234 min read
Why is it difficult to discuss death?
I am sure half the readers must have cringed just glancing at the title! They'd have skipped past it faster than a cancer patient trying...
Aug 14, 20234 min read
Tea or coffee?
Think back on all your formal interactions throughout life, and tell me that's not the most common opening line you've come across! I...
Aug 13, 20234 min read
Do cars have a personality?
This idea took root several years ago when I first watched Disney-Pixar's runway hit - Cars. The concept of personifying cars seemed like...
Aug 12, 20234 min read
To dip or not to dip? - vad a question!
'Medu vada' is a quintessential part of every south Indian breakfast, and no, this is not me being ignorant. Every southern state of...
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